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Dante Lionheart
Player ID: 242018
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Regeneration : 145
Energetic immunity : 159
Trade sense : 63
Briskness : 171
Initiative : 134
Defence : 827
Attack : 836
Luck : 52
Power : 109
Herbalism : 0
Volition : 8
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Imagination = 2177
Darkness Principle = 3343
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Balance = 2174
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Battle stats
Won: 2249 | Lost: 2778
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
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My Saga
Dante Lionheart - The current days of a wandering spirit

Rising from the shadows is a form, what seemed to be little more then a patch of shade along a rockface, it now appears to go deeper. GO into the rock. And something is coming out of it. A hand can be seen clutching, seeking some grip and finding it in a sharp protruding rock. Slowly the from reveals more till finally a man steps forward from the shades.
His shoulders roll, he tilts his head, loosening muscles before stretching with a yawn. "I should seriously be more careful with these rituals...a 6 month slumber in darkness was definitely not what I had in mind", he says to noone in particular.
The man is known as Dante Lionheart...and he has returned.

"To return to the light, I had to embrace Darkness...how ironic", he mutters in a cryptical voice, a hint of his adventure
. Some lingering tentacles of shadow tug at his arm, at his coat, seeking to draw him back into the dark abyss. He shakes them off though, he has returned and will roam the world of the living and awake once more. And perhaps one day he will whisper the details of his ordeal. Or even allow you a glimpse into the world he visited.

Dante Lionheart - A journal

Entry 1
I'm trying to get my bearings, which at times has proven tricky. It is a strange world, filled with riddles and wonderous humans.
I cannot even say for sure if they are all humans, or close to it, but then again, am I myself.

Those shades for example. What are they...and why did they attack me? And mind you, they did so, on the very first day. I had to tame some savage looking beasts to fight them off, but succeeded in the end.
Still, their attacks have relented, no more do they assault me. It make sme wonder, for they did not seem inheritely evil, where those assaults not an attempt to kill me, but an attempt to aid me? How do you prepare a young soul for a dangerous world?
Do you cuddle and shield it and then send the innocent rabbit out in the field of wolves?
Or do you attack and assault it, steeling that starting knight against some of the futures that he might encounter.

I must explore this further, perhaps my memories will offer some answers to the existance of these shades.
Entry 2
There are such a variety of interesting people here! Some plain weird, others noisy. Some kind, some distant. Some helpful, others aggressive.
It is truly a lovely bouquet of flavors, the good and the bad, it all serves its purpose. For with each encounter, I expand my memories with ones that I know for sure are mine. For any conclusion upon what I am has yet to be made, I don't even know where to start.
Entry 3
I managed to best the guards whom barred me from entering the local store
Both of them put up a valiant fight, but I prevailed, another sign that I am slowly coming to grips with my new life here in this realms
My old life still haunts me though...
A particular frightening memory was found among the many
I saw the last moments of a man, his arms upraised to the sky. A thunderous chant erupting from my ..no his mouth. His eyes lower for a moment, staring at the myriad of corpses at his feet, at the blood which soaks the ground...at the energy that flows from the death into him.
And then whatever he tries to summon...came...and obliterated him, the magical wards failing to contain, exploding in a huge fiery ball of green fire.
Is this perhaps the reason? So many souls, one ritual, could I be that sorcerer? Or is whatever he tried to summon responsible for the whirlpool as it charged through ... or am I whatever he tried to summon?
Entry 4
I've discussed my issues with some of the local residents here, but still I fail to find an answer. So for the moment I have stopped looking for one.
Not that I have given up on the search, but I fear I need more leads then what I have now, as well as more practice sorting through the memories. I found that drawing them to paper does seem to aid me alot, it is a way for my mind to focus and study the images of those memories.
This new found focus has already helped me, perhaps not in discovering great truths, but helped me to realize something else. I might not know what I am. But I can utilize the knowledge of these memories.
I found myself going through the stages of a ritual, a dark ritual. Perhaps not the wisest of starting points. While it was a dreadful description of an even more dreadful act, it seems to have drawn the attention of some people.
Both the ritual, as well as my memory drawn out on paper on the horrific creature that might be created where studied by several folks. It is akward, using this knowledge that is not my own, this dark mind, yet through it meeting new people.

It is somewhat akin to the same precarious balance of the scarecrow, ironic.
Entry 5
I seem to be carving out a path of my own, despite no memories to trace it back further then 3 weeks now. A fair number of interesting folks I would now consider friends.
I was even gifted a precious egg by some ghostly appearance. Despite the clear lack of being alive, the ghost stories of my memory proved rather false, for this one was as friendly as any life person.
Appearantly I now own a drachorn, some rare mythical beast, famed for both its elusiveness and power.
It's still only an egg to be hatched though, but never the less, I shall guard it and treasure it.
Where my path leads from here, I do not know though. The lady of the shadows inquired about it, appearantly somewhat intrueged, but I could not answer about where my travels and mental ponderings would lead me next.
The offer to guide me as a mentor in these travels followed...it is an interesting offer, one that I shall indeed consider.
Entry 6
I gained entry to loreroot. the guards where tricky, but after some initial preparation and then some powerful magics... they are now no more then wood for the fireplace.
Another step made towards some sense of adulthood in the more measurable ways.
One of many, for my drawings seem to have given me some renown, quite often I am adressed now because of those sketches I made. It is quite a flattering sensation, though more then anyone, I myself realize my skills are not yet where they could and should be.

The fact that I am at the end of my mindpower means I have had time tot hink as well. How often do you get a honest offer to guide you from a queen?
More so even, a queen of shades ... those mystical links between this life and the dead ... those being that perhaps hold an answer to the mystery of my own existance
A queen of Necrovion, a place that by all accounts seem to be a match for my own dual nature.
Entry 7
Sometimes I think, ironically, that I think too much about things.
So I deemed it time to take some action. Time to set aside the doubts like if I would be able to live up to the expectations of the Lady of the shadows.
Thus I set out to give my reply to her offer to become my guidance, determined to make my answer to that question impressive on it's own. Delving in my memories, tracing those of the necromancer I found what I needed. I shall not note down the details here, upon inquiry I might reveal them, but I bound myself by blood, earth and shadow.
I leaped in headfirst, no endles spondering, just instinct.
It felt good.
Entry 8
Rising from the shadows is a form, what seemed to be little more then a patch of shade along a rockface, it now appears to go deeper. GO into the rock. And something is coming out of it. A hand can be seen clutching, seeking some grip and finding it in a sharp protruding rock. Slowly the from reveals more till finally a man steps forward from the shades.
His shoulders roll, he tilts his head, loosening muscles before stretching with a yawn. "I should seriously be more careful with these rituals...a 6 month slumber in darkness was definitely not what I had in mind", he says to noone in particular.
The man is known as Dante Lionheart...and he has returned.

"To return to the light, I had to embrace Darkness...how ironic", he mutters in a cryptical voice, a hint of his adventure
. Some lingering tentacles of shadow tug at his arm, at his coat, seeking to draw him back into the dark abyss. He shakes them off though, he has returned and will roam the world of the living and awake once more. And perhaps one day he will whisper the details of his ordeal. Or even allow you a glimpse into the world he visited.


Dante Lionheart - Records of a wandering spirit

It felt so strange, arriving here. One moment I was floating...floating in the nowhere. Drifting in an endless sea. I was not alone, that much I know. At least, that much I know now. 

For not so long ago, something broke, something opened. Like a giant whirpool the peaceful float turned into a wild surge. It only lasted for a fraction, but all that was close got sucked in. Sucked in and mixed together.

I awoke in these strange lands, desires of mortal times taking over and forming a body around me, shaping it from memories. Are they mine? I do not know. I don't even know if I am an I, or a we. Was I this sentient before, was I truly a being? Or does everything simply gravitates towards what is to be a soul. The debris of all that floated there now combining into a single me, like a planet forming from rubble and dust. 

To this day I still do not know the answer, my memories are a jigsaw puzzle. Or perhaps, a dozen jigsaw puzzles all thrown together and the example image destroyed. Some of the pieces are recognizable, it is akward and yet amazing to look through the mind of a dog, that I can tell you. I guess animal and man both end up in the same place.

But I made up my mind, or minds as you will. I shall focus on the here and now and step forward, hoping that things will become more clear. And I shall do so by the name of Dante Lionblaze. Whom it is, I do not know, but perhaps, with some luck someone will recognize it and allow me to at least sort or dismiss some of my memories.
Dante Lionheart - The artworks

(ooc) By now I have done several avatars as well as received some commisions
Most of my work and such can be reached through the forums
---- Forum Link ----

But to give a quick peaks in my early work here:
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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Angelicae Agony Master of Puppets Unholy Priest II Day Dreamer Imperial Aramor Assassin Bahamut Water Daimon I Pimped Grasan II Full-grown Winderwild

Page 364 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Tar., Iam.
The sounds of battle ring out across the dojo. As I am Bored passes through the dojo, a man approaches and speaks with him. Bored’s face lights up, “You want to know about my book?! Awesome!!” He begins to rant and becomes completely oblivious to his environment. Another man brushes by Bored; he does not pause to fold the paper, but hurries on his way instead. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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